Occasionally, a film may capture both the domestic and the outside market, but it may also be caught in the middle, failing to appeal to either side. 有时,电影可能同时占据国内和海外两块市场,但它也可能陷在中间,未能讨好到任何一方。
Watch seller and bunches of bananas outside vegetable market. 蔬菜市场外售卖手表的人以及几串香蕉。
They say a suicide bomber detonated a car packed with explosives outside the market in Iran midday on Thursday. 他们说,周四中午,一名自杀式爆炸者引爆了伊朗一座市场外装满炸药的汽车。
How to strengthen supervising Party cadre in outside market is a new subject of construction of honest administration of Party working style. 如何加强对外部市场员工队伍中党员干部的监督,是企业党风廉政建设面临的一个新课题。
An externality is not just any old cost or benefit; it has to lie outside a market transaction. 外部性不仅仅是已经发生的成本或好处;它必须存在于市场交易之外。
Meanwhile, the Nobel-winning neoclassical theory of the so-called business cycle explains it by blaming events outside the market. 同时,荣膺诺贝尔奖、有关所谓商业周期的新古典主义理论,通过指责市场以外的事件对它进行解释。
The thesis focusing on the management from ceramic enterprises, outside market, products sell and service and enterprise crisis four respects shows that utilizing information technology in an all-round way improves market competition of ceramic enterprises. 着重从陶瓷企业内部管理、外部市场、产品销售与服务和企业危机四个方面论述了利用信息技术全面提升陶瓷企业的核心竞争力。
The trade in inside market is mainly for meeting the demand of the internal daily life. The trade in outside market is mainly for acquiring the currency and increasing in value. 田庄内部市场的交易主要是为了满足田庄内部日常生活的需要,田庄同外部市场的交易则主要是为了获得货币和增值。
Supply chain is a kind of innovation of the form for organization division outside market and business enterprise. This kind of form can not only evade the high bargain cost of the pure market, but can also overcome the shortage of integral. 供应链是继市场和企业之外的一种创新了的组织分工形式,这种形式既能规避纯粹市场的高交易成本,又能克服纵向一体化的不足。
The evolving character of commercial space in Chang 'an city was known afresh, according to analysing on the space-time characteristics of the shops in outside market in Tang Dynasty Chang' an. 通过对长安城市外商业点空间分布、存在时间和经营业种的分析,重新认识长安城商业空间发展演变的特点。
For manufactories of "much variety and little batch" are so easily influenced by outside market, MES is very important as a linkage between upper management level and workshop. 对于易受市场影响的多品种单件小批量生产型企业,制造执行系统(MES)作为连接企业计划管理层和底层生产控制的桥梁,其意义显得非常重要。
The major methods are outside market survey and inside enterprise interview. 主要是借助于外部市场调研和企业内部调研。
During the construction course of national investment project, the mode of owner's agent becomes the most important media communicating information between the project owner and outside market environment, and the most important coordinator between the owner and the project constructor. 在国家投资项目建设过程中,业主代理成为项目业主与外部市场环境物质与信息交流的最主要界面,同时也是业主与项目建设方之间交流与沟通的重要协调者。
On the analysis to the factory's micro-environment, the paper anatomized the inside structure and resource level of the factory and its main supply manufacturers, these analysises provide firmly ensure for opening outside market. 在企业的微观环境分析中,主要分析了企业内部的结构和资源水平及主要供应商,为开发外部市场提供了有力的保障。
On the basis of the analysis of key effect factor, this paper puts forward the organization based on institution and outside market, then confirm the evaluation body and evaluation aim and evaluation standard. 在对高级职业经理人绩效考核关键影响因素进行深入分析的基础上,提出基于制度平台和外部市场平台的绩效考核组织方式,确定考核主体、考核目标和考核标准。
In order to update the capacity of manufacturing enterprise responding to changing from outside market, building a effective demand management system is key way. 为提高制造企业生产计划响应市场变化的能力,建立有效的需求管理系统是一个关键途径。
Outside market survey adopted questionnaire investigation, case study, deep interview and the study of second-hand materials etc. 外部市场调研主要采用问卷调查、文案研究、深入访谈和二手资料研究等方法;
In the meantime, multiple product marketing strategy being properly used, actively expanding outside market in order to reduce market risk and to improve vigour of enterprise. 再适当利用多角化等产品经营策略,积极向外部市场扩张,以分散经营风险、提高企业活力。
The progress of technology, outside market and varied forms are the important characteristics of semi industrialization. 因此,技术进步、区域外市场与多元共存的生产形式构成半工业化的重要特征。
Along with the expansion of securities market scale, acceleration of market process and development of organization investors, to establish effective risk management system, developing derivative market including stock index futures in China causes notice inside and outside market. 随着中国证券市场规模的壮大、市场化进程的加快和机构投资者的发展,为了建立有效的风险管理体系,中国发展包括股票指数期货在内的股权类衍生品市场引起了市场内外的关注。
The result of product development should be testify by outside market result. 通过SBU建设确保产品创新团队成员的活力;(6)产品创新的效果必须由其外部市场效果来检验。
Inside and Outside Market Control for the Food Salt Monopoly 净化食盐专营市场应内外兼治
Corporate governance includes internal governance and external governance. Nevertheless, external governance shall be compulsory allocation by the state legislatures instead of outside market. Corporate governance embraces corporate control and residual claim. 公司治理是国家和公司内部关系人对公司权利义务的分配,包括内部治理和外部治理,但外部治理应该是国家立法的强制分配,而不是外部市场。
For some water purifying machine enterprises, the problems relating to the high staff turnover rate in the internal settings, the outside market competition, and low customer satisfaction all cause the enterprises to face the development bottleneck. 对于净水机企业而言,来自于企业内部市场员工高度流失和外部市场激烈竞争、客户满意度低等问题,使企业面临发展瓶颈。
Cluster is an intermediate organization between enterprises and outside market, and the emergence of which brought along a new unit of competition, that is, to expand competition among individual enterprises to the cluster level to reshape the competition of market. 企业集群是界于企业和市场之间的一种中间组织,集群的出现形成了新的竞争单位,把竞争从单个企业之间提升到更大的群体之间,从而重塑了市场竞争形态。
When farmers choose a self-sufficient life style, in order to avoid the outside market, periodic markets provide a place to exchange with each other. 在农民为了回避外部大市场而选择自给自足的生产方式时,集市就为其提供了余缺调剂的场所。
It follows the listing mode that "go out" to the outside market, and then "come back" to the domestic market. Moreover, Chinese stock markets are significantly different from western stock markets which are well-developed. 而且,中国的证券市场明显有别于西方发达成熟的证券市场。
The Marketing channel is the enterprises 'window which opening to the outside market, as well as the bridge connecting to customers. It becomes increasingly important as the competition getting more fierce. 营销渠道是企业对外的窗口,企业通过渠道与客户建立交易关系,在激烈的市场竞争中,营销渠道已变得越来越重要。
It elaborates the outside market environment and the competition environment of the digital TV service, analyzes the current situation of the channels of the Oriental Cable Network Corporation, and then studies the problems existing in the current channels and finally concludes the major reasons. 我们从数字电视业务的市场外部环境和竞争环境入手,通过对东方有线渠道现状的分析,研究当前渠道存在的问题,并总结出主要原因。
At last, the paper point out that we must improve the incentive mechanism in three areas: material, spirit, property rights incentive. In constraint mechanism, we must improve the inside mechanism and make full use of the outside market mechanism. 所以最后在对策中提出,要在物质激励、精神激励以及产权激励三方面完善激励机制,在约束机制方面,既要注重银行内部的约束,也要注重来自于银行外部约束的作用。